Sunday, November 18, 2007


Tagging and seem to be a way to organize sites to which staff want to have joint access. It might provide the answer to the question of how to organize bookmarks for a variety of people with a variety of approaches. Book mark lists become too long and unwieldy even with Dewey or major subject breakdowns. There could even be very specific headings for parts of sites.

1 comment:

PandaLibrarian said...

Hi Again Carol - can you tell I'm catching up after being out for Thanksgiving?

While I have a account, I find that I don't use it as often as I could. It's a great way to compile all my bookmarks into one place but I don't use all the features possible - one more thing to work on... I do use the tags in my LibraryThing account. But, I often find myself checking through the tags and making sure they're consistent - very librarianish of me...

Keep on Playing!
